Rotation Plot
Away Box Score
Home Box Score

Individual player shifts and +/- in shifts are pulled from the GameRotation endpoint on, accessed using the nba_api python API (endpoint info here)


Feature requests? Feedback? Questions? Check out my website at Happy to chat on Twitter or by email

  • v0.1 (Apr 8, 2024)
    • added playoff + play-in games for 2022-23
      • fingers crossed it works for the upcoming 2023-24 postseason!
  • v0.0 (Apr 3, 2024)
    • 2022-23, 2023-24 seasons
    • optional text annotation, +/- colormap selection
Under development / future directions
  • better support for mobile browsers
  • add live game updates
  • filter games by player
  • allow for plotting/highlighting subset of players
  • color player shifts by other factors than team +/-, like player points
  • add interactivity (hovering vertical bar that shows score, 5-man lineups)
  • add support for ESPN box scores